Treat Vase Water to Avoid Smell Using Hydrogen Peroxide
I absolutely love fresh flowers and I
just love having your butter in the home
brighten up the room a little bit they
just look gorgeous but I know I’m not
the only one with this the smell of the
water is just absolutely revolting and
today I’ve got a solution good clean
house hydrogen peroxide if you follow
along I’ll show you what I do
right so first thing first is we need
our water I’ve got a little measuring
spoon I can’t find my 10 or 15 mil one
so we’ve just got a one teaspoon which
is five mils 500 mL of water and go
clean health hydrogen peroxide and these
beautiful flowers that my boyfriend
brought me
I’m just kidding I’m completely single
but actually what I found buying these
flowers is you should go by your own
because you can actually have whatever
you want no one else is picking them for
you who can tell you what to do these
days, so what we’re gonna do
we need 15 mL of the Good Clean Health Co
Hydrogen Peroxide to 500 mL of water
normally it’s probably easier to put
your flowers in the vase after
I’ve already done it so it’s too late
I’ve got them all nicely arranged so
we’re going to do it this way
so I brought these flowers because I
want to put them here I just feel like
I’ve got a lot of greenery obviously and
they’d just be quite nice so I’ve packed
Lots with heaps of green and foliage on
them as well so it ties into my scene a
little bit what we’re going to do is
pour all this solution in here
when I was younger I remember I would
always end up somehow like rearranging
or helping my mum move them around just
being nosy and this smell of the water
and the vases was just
it was appalling it made me wrench and I
think back in the day that’s kind of
what we made me go off flowers a little
bit but this is such a great way as a
hydrogen peroxide itself actually kills
all the odobacteria so it’s going to
stop that from smelling you’re not going
to have the gross yup water that we all
don’t like with our beautiful flowers
and a little bonus as it’s going to keep
them looking fresh for longer and that’s
what we all love isn’t it so we’ve got
our solution it’s all poured in our
flowers are looking gorgeous
thank you so much for watching and we’ll
see you next time for more hydrogen
peroxide tips and tricks
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